Концепция комплексного благоустройства лесопарковой территории в поселении Внуковское, дер. Изварино
The concept of complex improvement of the forest park territory in the settlement of Vnukovskoye, der. Izvarino
Местоположение: Россия, Московская область, поселение Внуковское, деревня Изварино
Location: Russia, Moscow region, Vnukovskoye settlement, Izvarino village
At the moment, the territory is not landscaped and is a forest area, in which for the most part there are no organized pedestrian paths with a hard surface, which makes it difficult for pedestrians to move, and the existing trails do not meet the criteria for the quality and accessibility of the environment. The territory of the Ulyanovsk Forest Park has the status of specially protected green areas of the city of Moscow and is used by local residents exclusively for transit purposes and for short walks. The forest park is particularly stressed in areas adjacent to densely populated residential areas, where there is trampling of forest soils, damage to the bark and roots of trees. Located in the north-west, the Likova River is one of the few reservoirs in the district, has a great recreational potential and is a full-fledged water body that requires careful treatment and cleaning.
The concept of improvement of the forest park territory is aimed at the maximum disclosure of the species, ecological and recreational potential of the forest. The main goal of the concept is to create a recognizable and popular recreation area of the district scale, accessible to visitors of all ages and having its own multifunctional ecosystem.
The project involves minimal interference with the existing landscape, taking into account and preserving existing traffic routes. The construction of new paths is planned to be carried out with minimal cutting down of green spaces. From the point of view of zoning, the territory under consideration is divided into three major parts: the northern part - has access to the river and a fairly dense structure of tree and shrub vegetation, suggesting the organization of a quiet zone with walking routes and a meeting place for park visitors; in the central and southern parts there are areas where there are no trees, which allows you to organize sites for various functional purposes without compromising green spaces and at a sufficient distance from residential development.
Project Manager:
Chumachkov Dmitry Vasilievich (Чумачков Дмитрий Васильевич)
Other team members:
Sadkov Dmitry Valerievich (Садков Дмитрий Валерьевич)
Kornienko Elena Yurievna (Корниенко Елена Юрьевна)
Klimov Petr Valerievich (Климов Петр Валерьевич)
Company information:
SBI «GlavAPU» (ГБУ "ГлавАПУ");
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